Independent Entertainer with Elmer J. Howard

Episode Description

The Independent Entertainer is for the serious purveyors of the arts. On the show your host, Elmer J. Howard interviews PerformerTrack & Holdon Log Co-Founders Kristina Hughes & Brian Vermeire.

In this interview you will learn:

- Why PerformerTrack is the "Money Ball" for Actors.
- What you also need to do besides “being the best performer”
- What gift has helped thousands of actors with their careers
- How to not worry about what Casting Directors are thinking about you when you are auditioning
- How to expect a Callback when you are at the Audition
- How to actually enjoy Auditioning
- How did the PerformerTrack co-founders meet
- How can you save major money on the things you need for your career like Headshots & Classes
- A great PR tool for performers
- Why people want to work with people who are working
- How to easily let people know that you are working
- Short films, student films, web series… how do you really get your Copy & Credit that is part of “Copy, Credit, Meals Provided”.
- All about a great, free networking tool
- What you should do if you aren’t happy with the roles that are out there for your type

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