We Are Sorry to See You Go! 

When you cancel your membership, you will not be billed again after your current scheduled billing cycle has ended.

Please be aware...

1) Make sure to cancel within at least 48 hours of your subscription renewal date to guarantee that automatic renewal does not take place.
2) There are NO refunds/pro-rated refunds of any kind.
3) If you terminate your membership your account will not and cannot be re-established with your previous Customer Data.
4) Holdon Log, LLC (the parent company of PerformerTrack) shall have no obligation to maintain or forward any Customer Data.
5) Once cancellation has been verified your data will become inaccessible and queued for permanent deletion from our servers within 30 Days.

If you have any problems with your cancellation request, please email support@PerformerTrack.com.

How To Cancel:

Cancelling your PerformerTrack account is simple & hassle-free.

Step 1) Within your PerformerTrack account select My Account > Contact & Billing Info

Step 2) In the "Contact & Billing Info" pop-up window click on "Order History"

Step 3) Then all the way to the right side of the screen find and click on the "Cancel" link

Step 4) Then click on the "Yes" button to confirm cancellation

That's it!

This will stop any further auto-renewals to your membership.


Please let us know why you've decided to cancel your PerformerTrack Membership... we'd like your feedback... click here!